What is a closed investment fund?


A closed-end investment fund is an autonomous patrimony managed by a management company with a single and exclusive object. It is made up of contributions of the participants through the purchase of participation shares in the Bolivian Stock Exchange and subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the corresponding internal regulations of said fund. These participation shares are not directly redeemable by the Fund until the end of the life term of the same. It is said to be closed because the conditions under which Participants acquire their participation shares fees are kept unchanged until the end of the life of the Fund. Also, because once the placement period, or the term in which the public offer of the Participation Shares is in force is closed, there is no option that for the inclusion of other participants, unless they acquire shares in the secondary market. The regulations governing the closed-end investment funds and the companies that manage them are detailed in Chapter V of the Compilation of Standards for the Securities Market and supplementary and complementary rules.

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5. Disbursement for the purchase of the value

With the approval of the Investment Committee, receipt of the issuance documentation and the risk rating, the disbursement proceeds!

4. Investment Committee Approval

The Due Diligence process is reflected in an evaluation report that is sent to the Investment Committee for consideration of the operation.

3. Due Diligence

3.1.Issuance of securities:

It is important to have all the necessary documentation to carry out the issuance of securities. For this activity they have the support of the Capital Legal Area +SAFI.

3.2 Risk Rating:

The potential issuer must request the Risk Rating report from a rating agency authorized by the ASFI.

2. Negotiation of Terms and Conditions

2.1. The signing of the agreement of wills agreement is required.

2.2. Preparation of terms and conditions of a potential issue / investment

1. Initial Visit

In this first meeting we want to know your business, strategy and projections and we send an initial request for information.

5. Desembolso por la compra del valor

¡Con la aprobación del comité, recepción de la documentación de emisión y la calificación de riesgo se procede con el desembolso!

4. Consentimiento del Comité de Inversión

El proceso de Due Diligence se refleja en un informe de evaluación que es enviado a nuestro Comité de Inversión para la consideración de la operación.

3. Due Diligence

3.1. Emisión de título valores:

Es importante contar con toda la documentación necesaria para realizar la emisión de títulos valores. Para esta actividad tienen el apoyo del Área Legal de Capital +SAFI.

3.2 Calificación de Riesgo:

El potencial emisor debe solicitar el informe de Calificación de Riesgo a una calificadora autorizada por la ASFI.

2. Negociación de Términos y Condiciones

2.1 Se requiere la Firma del convenio acuerdo de voluntades.

2.2 Elaboración de términos y condiciones de una potencial emisión.

1. Visita Inicial

En esta primera reunión queremos conocer su negocio, estrategia y proyecciones y les hacemos llegar un requerimiento inicial de información.

